Thursday, July 2, 2009

Super Brain Yoga

From "Hinduism Today": "Much to the amusement of many Hindus, the ancient practice of crossing the arms to grasp the earlobes and squatting several times, known in Tamil (language) as thoppu karanam, has emerged on the pop health scene. The renowned New Age teacher of Pranic Healing, Master Choa Kok Sui, co-opted the practice and copy-righted the the label "Super Brain Yoga". A CBS piece on the exercise found its way onto YouTube, and now people are bobbing up and down all over the world. Practitioners claim they documented its positive effects on learning-disabled autistic children and depressed, forgetful adults. Most Hindus know this as an old form of discipline performed as an act of worship before Lord Ganesha. Although once again our (Hindu) cultural heritage has been openly pirated for profit, clinical validation is always good for the Hindu faith."

By the way, the practice of thoppu karanam does have a positive effect. And I highly recommend it for all children of all ages. I am 57 and I practice thoppu karanam. Hopefully, I too will become smart..... hee hee.

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